8 Best Lens For Wedding Videography for 2024

Felix Granger
  Jun 29, 2024 3:47 AM

Wedding videography is an art form that's growing in popularity. Here's a guide to the best lens for wedding videography. 


When it comes to capturing those special wedding moments on film, having the best lens for wedding videography is essential. 

Finding the right lens makes a significant difference in the final product. Seeking out professional help before making a purchase can also be extremely valuable. 

Here, we explore what makes the best lens for wedding videography in great detail with an extensive review. We look into the nitty-gritty particulars and technicalities so you don't have to.

Ultimately, our goal is for you to chose the best lens possible by giving you all of the facts.


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Buying Guide

Having the best lens for wedding videography is essential for achieving the highest quality product. With every wedding, locations, venues and lighting can vary drastically and it's important to be prepared with the best tool available. 

Before taking on a new project, research lenses that will best fit your wedding video capturing expectations. 

Whether its fast aperture, low light conditions or wide angle capabilities - each may make the difference of a good video or an amazing video. To be ready for anything, it's crucial to have a thorough understanding of one's equipment.

Keep in mind that shooting with a proper lens should always be done according to manufacturer instructions; you don't want to ruin your wedding footage due to improper use or maintenance of your equipment. 

Make sure you are comfortable shooting in short notice situations as well as with long distance shot; short notice is something that often occurs at weddings, and having the best suitable lens will ensure success during those moments. 



1.    What is the ideal frame rate for a wedding video?

The recommended frame rate for recording and transmission is 60 frames per second. Always set your shutter speed to be twice the frame rate if you want fluid motion in your videos. The 720p slow-motion option is not available.


2.    Do you think it's important to have a video of your wedding?

Investing in a high-quality wedding video can be a significant financial commitment. After all, video footage is among the few things you'll be able to keep forever from your special day.


3.    Is a 50mm lens appropriate for capturing weddings on film?

Most photographers and filmmakers use the 50mm lens as their standard. The scope of its usefulness is enormous. A simple step forward or backward can completely alter the composition and framing of your shot. The 50mm lens is perfect for catching the bridal party in their natural, relaxed state, as they joke around and enjoy the day.